Thursday, February 28, 2013

I love this sign at the Indiana border!
Day 2 of the Road Trip West - February 28, 2013
     Today we had the opportunity to sleep in a bit as we were only driving to Chicago where we are spending the night with Daryl's sister Ruth and her husband Mark.  It so happens that a tree fell on their house during a storm last August and so their house is under major construction.  This resulted in a pleasant stay for all of us at some close friends of theirs, Mary Pat and Tom.  It couldn't have worked out better if we would have planned it.  Daryl and I are staying in their adopted son's room who is African American.  We also adopted an African American.  We both share a common joy in that we took in foster children and have many miracle stories to tell.  Tom and I both used to sell insurance.  Their son, Tom Jr., is a musician and gave some wonderful gifts to Daryl!  We are blessed by these remarkable surprises.

     To top it off, we got to see the off Broadway show, "I Love Lucy."  Daryl's niece is playing the role of Ethel.  She is an incredible actress and singer.  If you get the chance to see it, don't miss it!  Mark and Ruth treated us to Daryl's all time favorite - Chicago deep dish pizza!  He has been talking about this for years from the good ole days when he lived here for a brief time.
     Even though most of the day was filled with gray skies and the occasional snow shower, our lives were enriched all along the way.  We had lunch at a Cantonese restaurant and it was fabulous. It must have been senior citizen day though, by the looks of the patrons - wheelchairs and walkers.  I loved all the laughter and chatter about hip replacements, trips to the doctor etc.  The best surprise of the day was when three burly looking guys entered and sat down near us.  Shortly after their drinks were delivered one of the fellas said, "Can I pray?"  "Sure," the other two said.  Now I know I was eavesdropping but it showered me with God's tender mercies right in the midst of that Cantonese diner.  "God, thank you for the food, for what we have and for these good friends. Amen."  "Amen" the other two said and I said amen.  But it didn't stop there.  The youngest fella turned to the others, "You know, I might not have much, I might be poor, but this is great - what we have right here."  "Yep," the others agreed and I heard them talking about having work and family and the money to eat lunch there.  Oh how they fed my soul!  To hear this goodness coming from young people in a public place.  Sure the Mongolian beef and chicken were great, but I left that place convinced that the "holy" is everywhere.

  Dr. Bruce Epperly has written a book entitled "Holy Adventure" and in it he speaks of the wonderful things that happen when we listen to God's nudges and decide to be part of creating love and goodness with God.  Daryl and I are calling this move to California our "holy Adventure" in part because of Bruce's book.  That book helps us find ways to see God in everything.  Today we were privileged to see the face of God in the seniors, burly young men, new friendships, family members, actors and actresses and in the beauty of Lake Michigan. Even on this cold winter day, the hand of God is displayed everywhere!  May you all see the face of God today.  Joy in the Journey, Pastor Bonnie
Lake Michigan near Ruth and Mark's home

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Day of Remembering!

Our yard in the spring
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Day One of our Holy Adventure!
      Today was filled with many mixed emotions. Daryl and I began the day with final packing and preparing to move me to California.  It wasn't until I was finished mopping the stairs and doing a final walk through that I began to cry.  Our home was the place where we wailed through the death of our twenty-six year old son, the nest where we adopted our youngest son, the beautiful woods where we celebrated the thirtieth birthday of our next to oldest son, and decorated the massive deck for a grand luau with the St. Peter's choir.          
      We hosted book signing parties when Daryl's book, From a Mustard Seed was published.  We held church consistory retreats and neighbor get-togethers.  Our grandchildren joined Daryl in drum circles in the living room and my long lost family of origin had Thanksgiving dinners with us and shared stories of how much we are alike in spite of the fact that we grew up separately. Jordan and Daryl turned the woods into a lovely meditative trail.
      Our home was truly a place where joy and sorrow, celebration and death, sickness and healthy happiness grew side by side.  Daryl and I put quite a lot of effort into making it a great refuge.  Our master suite was all windows on one side and it was almost like we lived in a tree house.  Of course, being served my coffee in bed by Daryl every morning certainly added to the romance of the place.        

       So you see, it is hard to leave it, but at the same time, I am thrilled to be going to a new place.  On Sunday, St. Peter's folks celebrated and grieved with us at I leave this church family that has also been home.  It was a glorious event and I cannot remember a time when I felt more loved and appreciated.  Saying goodbye to everyone and then again on Monday and Tuesday to the refugees tears at my heart even now.  Yet what a magnificent journey it has been.  When I came to St. Peter's eight years ago, I said to them, "It's a new day." The blessings are too numerous to count.
      Here we are, starting that "new day" ourselves, supported by friends and family everywhere and surrounded by God's mercy and grace.  Far away a new parish awaits us and we are eager for this new venture!
      The trip today was uneventful, full of rain, massive fast trucks, and each of us trying to get comfortable.  We took turns driving and I began crocheting a baby's cap.  I've never done it before so I am working by experimenting.  Sadly, my cell phone crashed a few days ago and when they gave me a new one I lost my music, photos and who knows what else!  We were planning to use it to listen to music as we traveled.
heading into OHIO
       It feels good to finally be on the way.  Daryl keeps me laughing as every time I mention where we are, how far we are going, what I am seeing, he says, "Road Trip!"

Okay - we are now through Pennsylvania and into Ohio.  The only photo we could get is this one!    
    One last thought - before we head to bed.  On Monday night I visited with my 93 year old mother-in-law and she prayed for me.  "I will miss you deeply," she said, "but I know God is using you and Daryl to bless many other people, so I can let you go.  God will take care of the details, Bonnie."  May it be so!  Joy in the journey!