Friday, July 18, 2014

Learning to Sit Still While Dancing in My Heart

July 18, 2014 As many of you already know, I have a partial tear in my Achilles tendon. I injured it while dancing at the July 4th celebration in Murphys Park. It is interesting what people say when I tell them how it happened. "At least you were having fun when you did it!" That's the most common comment. And tis true - I was kicking up my heels doing "Strappin Leather" when I felt a pop in my calf. I knew immediately what had happened. All those years working in an orthopedic office let me know all too well what was ahead.

Now reality has set in and I am relegated to a knee buggy, wheelchair and lots of sitting with my leg propped up! Yesterday I was sure there must be another remedy to all the swelling when I put my leg down so I called the doctor's office to check. "Well Bonnie," the nurse said, "this is normal for your injury. You really did a number on yourself. You have to keep the leg propped up!" I was SURE they were going to give me something to make it all easier.
But no, I must endure and let the healing take place in its own time. So how is it that I must sit still when my heart wants to dance?

I have discovered a way! As I write I am at our cabin in  Lakemont Pines and you can see the beautiful lake above. The fantastic joy of all this, is that my heart can still dance! Last night I feasted with the Mission Team of our church on Evelyn's deck and we all regaled at the splendor of life among the big trees and the clean air. I tasted not only delicious food but I savored the laughter and the conversation, the enthusiasm of ideas and decisions about how to love the homeless in our little town. My heart twirled with joy as the team addressed a particular concern and made a positive commitment of money so we can feed the homeless when they show up at our door!

My hands were rapturous with delight when Daryl handed me a cup of coffee in today's early morning as we sat on the deck and read our devotional together. My ears pulsed as I tried to identify the many sounds of birds and wildlife amid the trees. So you see my heart and even most of my body is still dancing - grateful for the moments to sit and reflect, to pray and discern, to read and create!

So won't you be my partner and dance with me? Oh, it may not be the polka, the twist, the waltz or even a line dance, but our hearts can clasp each other in prayer, in care, in sharing and in concern. You are truly in my prayers and thoughts today. I will dance with the Divine as a Holy, Hobbling, Adventure begins! Joy in the Journey, Pastor Bonnie