Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mixed blessing

This week being snowed in has been a mixed blessing. I have enjoyed the beauty of the snow, the quiet here in the woods, and the times around the fireplace. However, I find myself torn between "doing" and "being." It is such a marvelous opportunity to do nothing but there always lurks a nudge in my spirit to catch up on things that have long sat on the shelf waiting for a "free" day. Then there is the "nurture of my soul" that keeps longing to be fed. It's a dilemma for a busy beaver like me. Today in my devotional book, "Washing the Feet of the World With Mother Teresa" I was reminded that prayer is continual. The writer challenged me to allow prayer to be part of the whole day. I know this in my head and if I'm honest, I also know it intuitively. When prayer becomes a natural part of my day, my relationship with God is deepened and I find the need to say less, to less, even think less.

Henri Nouwen once said,
"sometimes Silence is the best answer there is." (From Reaching Out)
The snow is teaching this to me. May your journey today be adorned with some silence.

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