Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We are the Smile of God

Matthew 5:13-16

This past summer while I was traveling in Germany I attended a Mass at St. Klara in Nuremberg. The priest was one of the most hospitable people I have ever met. In his homily he said this, "We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We are the smile of God to one another." What a beautiful statement.

Sometimes it is hard to the smile of God to one another. Think about it - how many people did you encounter today who smiled at you? Just yesterday as I waited at a red light I looked at the car next to me. I often pray for that person. When I looked, the man was smiling. Just sitting there and smiling. It made me smile. How often we rush through life not really seeing the people or the beauty next to us. there we were, two strangers, not even looking at one another, but he made a difference in my day. For the next two hours I began to smile at everyone I met. You should have seen the reaction of folks. They often looked at me to see if they knew me, then most of them smiled back. Some even said hello.

We have the power to be the love of God in our world. We can continue to add to the anger, the vengencance, the gossip in our lives or we can be the smile of God to one another. Try it and see the miracles that begin to happen!


Did you smile at someone today? How did it make you feel? Can you see yourself as the conduit for God's love to others? Write about a time when this happened.


What are the things that hold you back from loving others? How can you begin to be a channel for the love of God to others? Today, smile and pray for one other person. Tell someone that God loves them.


Smiling God, forgive me when I am grumpy and take it out on others. Stretch my face to smile more often and be a reflection of your great love and mercy. Lead me to people who need a friend this day and open my life to be ready to love them. In the name of Jesus who

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