Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Traveling Down the Road!

Final View from the Randlett's Woods
Tuesday, August 13, 2013 - Sadly we departed from the Randlett Woods after a marvelous and hearty breakfast that Yolanda had prepared for us - french toast, sausage and maple syrup.  Watermelon and grapes topped off this culinary delight.  We hugged and bid each other adieu as we waved goodbye to head for home.

Every day is an adventure and today is no exception.  The terrain surprised us as Daryl and I both thought we would drive through more lush, evergreen forests but alas, much of the time it seemed like we were on a moonscape.  We passed quite large contracts of burned mountains and even saw the remnants of a recent one.

 In addition to the varied topography, we stopped at a viewing spot where one could see a total of nine mountains.  They are: Mt. Broken Top, Three Sisters, Mt. Washington, Three Finger Jack, Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helen, Mt Adams, and Mt Ranier.  In the photo below Daryl and Dom are standing on the marker showing the direction each mountain is located.  Even though the atmosphere was heavy with residual fire smoke and we could not see them clearly, we were all in awe of these magnificent mountains.   

As we drove past miles and miles of this desert terrain, I commented to Daryl that our lives are sometimes like this too.  It is not all wonderful and happy and full of brilliance like the granduer of the pine forests.  There are times of drought in our lives and we wonder if any good thing can come to us.  I am reminded that even in the wilderness there is great beauty in the thirsty times when we long for refreshment.  This photo suggests to me that God's creations are everywhere - even in the midst of dry ground and hard rocks. Surely this is true in our daily journey.

 One of the most inspiring sights today was the canyon at Ogden.  This was the location of a new bridge built in 2009.  The one you see in this photo is actually the train bridge.  Dom suggested that Daryl ride his Harley and try to jump this one!  I don't think so!!!

We also stopped at the St. John Monastery for lunch and tasted their Greek cooking - spanikopita, gyro and baklava. Yum!  This is a Greek Orthodox monastery and we were unable to tour it as we did not have the proper attire.  Men have to wear long pants and shirts, women must wear dresses and sleeved blouses and cover their heads. I don't think my funky summer hat will qualify as reverent head covering!  Oh well - it's for another day!

We finally arrived in Klamath Falls and checked into our hotel.  After a short swim and relaxing in the hot tub, Dom settled down for a little time with his ipod.  Daryl and I caught up on some emails.

Dom settles in for the night  

As we settled in for the evening, Daryl led us in our vespers.  We sang about God giving us rest and talked about the ways we saw God today.  Daryl inspired us this evening to think of the variety of our Creator. He remarked, "God is so vast, yet God is so intimate and cares about my needs which might seem insignificant." Dom shared, "I really liked when we looked at the mountains and then drove by them.  The canyon was incredible!" Pastor Bonnie remarked that even in the desert, God is present.  Daryl invited us to envision God's sweet rest for us as we have one more day until we arrive at home. He suggested that perhaps we can take some of this peace we have gained into whatever awaits us in Calaveras County.

One cannot truly describe all that has transpired in this journey.  God has opened my eyes to so many things - the need to restore the earth, the commitment necessary to walk along side our youth, the fact that the youth are pregnant with possibilities for a world filled with justice and peace, the treasures of a marriage relationship that enhances my ministry, the generosity of Pastor John and Yolanda and their ability to open their mountain woods to so many people, the kindness of strangers at restaurants and tourist centers, and the love of returning home. As Daryl prayed for us this evening, may it be so for you:  "May God give us a peaceful night, may we remember God's steadfast love.  Amen"  Journey of Delight, Pastor Bonnie
Evening vespers in our hotel room

Monday, August 12, 2013

Learning And Music Take Place in Seattle

Daryl's photo of the Space Needle
 Monday, August 12, 2013 - We took a break from our work today and traveled to Seattle where we spent the morning at the EMP - Experience Music Project.  If you ever get the opportunity to go there, don't pass up this place.  Dom, Pastor John, and Isaac became their own band, "The Woodsies" and rocked out!  Yolanda loved the Fantasy museum and shared with us how fantasy is important in our lives.  (of course this led to discussions of Star Trek etc!)  Daryl especially enjoyed the section entitled, "Women of Rock & Roll," where he discovered the many ways women have contributed to the rock and roll scene throughout the years.  The Nirvana exhibit was also of great interest to a number of us. 

This sculpture of guitars reaches a height of over two stories. 

We had a very rewarding time around the table tonight discussing all our favorite adventures of the day.  Evocative conversations about drug use, music in worship, truth telling, realistic expectations for youth today came about because of our visit to the museum.

After a wonderful lunch at Pier 57, we headed to the Pike Market. Not only did we get to see workers at the fish market literally throwing fish around, we tasted some teas and as we left discovered a little bluegrass band, "The Tall Boys" which includes one girl, playing on the street.  You can see by this photo that Dom is mesmerized by them.  The female singer played guitar, sang AND clogged!  Sometime ask Daryl to play their CD for you!

The ride home was again along the majestic mountains and we made a short stop in Roslyn, which happened to be Pastor Bonnie's favorite part of the day. It is a quaint little town, (a bit like Murphys) with a bar, a cafe, a general store, a museum, an old fashioned theater (Yolanda says they give you pillows in the summer and blankets in the winter).  The interesting thing about Roslyn though, and what makes it a tourist town, is that this is the place where the TV show, Northern Exposure was filmed.  Rosemary's Cafe is still there, and you can see in this photo,there is Dr. Joel Fleischman's name.   He was one of the main characters.
Pastor Bonnie commented that this show was able to address some sensitive topics in a way that was provocative but not in your face.  She recalled that the marriage of two lesbians in one of the episodes was revolutionary in its day as it was only the second time a major television network to air such a program.  Northern Exposure had a way of inviting you to think about issues without yelling them!

The evening ended with supper in the barn and making plans for tomorrow's return home.  As John and Yolanda headed up the hill to their house among the stars, the boys scattered off to their bunk house with the million dollar view, Daryl took a walk and played Native American Flute among the tall Ponderosa Pines amid the clouds rolling in for the evening and I sat to do my usual writing for the evening. 

It has been an unbelievable journey - far exceeded any expectations I had for a youth trip. We learned so much in such a short time.  Our knowledge of the forest, learning to care for the earth and discovering what it means to live in community with one another are treasures that will be forever written in our hearts.

This morning Daryl and I began by singing the song, "Rejoice in the Lord," and I ended the day with his song, "I lift Up My Eyes to the Mountains."  God has touched me by deepening my love for Yahweh's great creations.  I am striving to listen to the pangs of despair in nature as we humans often  use too many resources, trash the land, allow our greed to feed our habits, and rush around unaware of the gifts that lie right within our rich. 

As I bid you all good night, I want to especially thank First Congregational UCC for supporting our Youth Ministry, Susan Andresen of Normandy Park UCC (for all the food preparation and fabulous meals until she left)and Pastor John and Yolanda for hosting us and teaching us.

I hope when we return, that the inner peace I have gained in this holy experience, will stay with me as we endeavor to share what we have learned with others.  Journey of delight, Pastor Bonnie

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday in the Randlett Woods

Sunday, August 11, 2013 - We gathered around the table for a hearty breakfast and worship but decided to worship later in the day so we could get our work done in the woods before it got too hot.  Everyone pitched in at full speed and we were able to clear a good section.  Pastor John is a master with his tools and he had all of us using the equipment properly.  Susan Paules, a good friend of John and Yolanda, joined us for the weekend as she is their "forest warden."  She is a master with the chain saw.  Even Pastor Bonnie recalled her old skills of the days when she was a logger and worked with the saw!  It is amazing what one does when called to parish ministry!
Quitting Time!

After a wonderful lunch Pastor John led us in worship.  Weary from the work, we headed to our beds for rest. Liam and Susan from Normandy Park UCC left to go home.  We were sad to see them go as we have made lasting friendships.  

The boys chilled out in their cabin, Daryl took a walk and journaled, and I took a much needed shower and relaxed.  We arrived refreshed for dinner around 5:00.  Yolanda had prepared salmon, stir-fry rice, salad and bread for us.  Some friends, Jackie and Gary joined us.  Afterwards we met in the quilting studio for a bluegrass jam session. Okay, so we did a lot more than bluegrass!

It was amazing.  Dom is a wiz on the guitar, Daryl gave life to the keyboard, John played guitar, Yolanda made the harmonica sing, Gary stroked the guitar and mandolin, Jackie crooned with the bass, and Isaac, Jacob and I added whatever we could.  Susan sang a bit too before she left for home.  It was a surreal experience to bring people together who had never met before and make a joyful noise amid the grandeur of the mountains.  I must say, this was sweeter than dessert! (and you all know how much I LOVE dessert!)
Yolanda playing the harmonica

Daryl's flute is the perfect instrument for the woods!

Dom - a wiz on the guitar!

The view from Yolanda's quilting room.

What a marvelous life this is!  I am so blessed I just can't express it enough.  The Randletts, the young people and Daryl continue to enrich my days. As part of our worship, we all had an opportunity to share ways we care for the earth and things for which we are thankful. Our youth are wise beyond their years.  Dom reminded us that if we buy "organic" we can change the way we are damaging the earth.  "It's all a matter of supply and demand" he said. Liam was grateful too. "I am thankful for being able to come here and be with everyone."  (he was sad he had to go home)   Folks, I am telling you, the youth are not the church of the future- they are the church NOW! (Actually this has always been my point of view - even when I was a youth!)

Tomorrow is a day of learning and rest from the woods.  Stay tuned, pray for us, and hopefully we will get to see the meteor shower tonight! Journey of delight, Pastor Bonnie

Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 10, 2013 - Well the best laid plans sometimes just don't work out. I did not have access to wi-fi in a timely manner yesterday so no blog!  Sorry to disappoint those of you who follow us. However, there is much to report and a grand time we are having.

We picked up Dominick early Friday morning and headed north.  The beauty was astounding as we crossed through the mountains.  The boys slept most of the morning and after a Dairy Queen break in the afternoon the sugar kicked in and now Daryl and I need earplugs for sure.  Just kidding!

After arriving at Randlett's Woods we joined Susan, Liam and Pastor Lon from Normandy UCC.  Pastor John and Yolanda had prepared supper and we had a wonderful meal of polish sausages and hamburgers.  We immediately took our fire training and then headed to the Quilting Loft for our evening worship. Here are photos of us practicing with the fire hose.  Lightning and thunder were predicted and indeed we had quite a light show on the mountain and rain! 

Dom is practicing with the fire hose!

Today we ate a hearty breakfast we headed to the woods for a long morning of work.  We cleared trees and brush to assist the forest in becoming more healthy.  Pastor John taught us how to determine the height and age of the tree.  We also learned to identify some of the trees.  Liam discovered a bee's nest in time to keep Pastor Bonnie out of harm's way. (she is allergic to bees!)  It was hard work but we all worked together.
Pastor John used a Tree increment borer to show us the age of the tree!

Clearing branches!                                         
After lunch we all took naps and then headed to the pool for a swim.
The rain chased us in but we were ready for dinner anyway.
Susan made a fantastic lasagna dinner with chocolate
zucchini cake for dessert.  Daryl and Dom did some fine music making while we got ready for the evening activities.  We headed to the quilting room for our evening worship where we sang, discussed the Creation story and prayed together.  After a rousing game of Apples to Apples we parted to settle in for the night.

We are reminded that it takes many people working together to save our earth.  The forests are in grave danger unless we take care of them.  Pastor John is a great steward of the forests and is teaching us to do what we can to help preserve and care for the trees.

Yolanda's quilts adorn the buildings and invite us to deeper reflection on many aspects of life. One of my favorites is the one with the owl.  I am reminded that God loves all of creation and I am part of the solution for the health of our planet.  Won't you join me tonight in thanking God for our beautiful earth and all the universe? 

Tonight Daryl taught us some of his scripture songs.  I often sing one of them that goes like this: "I lift up my eyes to the mountains, from where is our help to come?  Our help comes from our God, the maker of heaven and earth.  God will not allow your foot to slip, God will not slumber nor sleep."  May you know that abiding presence today, Journey of delight, Pastor Bonnie
Daryl and Dom delight us with their music

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 8, 2013 - Journey with Youth Begins With Long Car Ride
Today we started from Murphys and drove to Carmichael to pick up Isaac and Jacob.  They were ready and we were off for a long ride.  They were pretty quiet as they listened or read stories on their smart phones.  Daryl and I kept being amazed at the scenery.  We never get tired of the landscapes that constantly change.  From dry fields to glorious evergreens, to rocky structures that looked like moonscapes we delighted in them all.

Isaac teaches Daryl how to play a game. 

The sights near Shasta Mountain were fabulous.  We soon entered the mountains that were covered with haze from the forest fires.  As we are nestling in tonight in Central Point, Oregon the air is thick with the smoke.  The desk staff tell us it is very difficult and they are constantly thinking about the firefighters.  A sign outside the hotel says, "We love our firefighters."  Yes, indeed God keep them safe!

We did have to pick up some olives in Orland, California.  We saw so many olive groves it was amazing. 

Our hotel has a cool swimming pool and slide along with a hot tub so we were able to refresh ourselves before dinner.  The boys had pizza - I mean really what else do youth want to eat???

As we say good night, Daryl and I are reminded of God's love for us.  We kept singing a song he wrote:  "Rejoice in the Lord, all you righteous, praise the Lord with the lyre; make melody to God with the harp. O sing to God a new song; play skillfully on the strings with loud shouts. This is from Psalm 33 and we just couldn't stop praising today.  We are grateful for the beauty, the relationships with the youth, the support of the congregation and God's love in our hearts.  thank you all for praying for our journey!