Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday in the Randlett Woods

Sunday, August 11, 2013 - We gathered around the table for a hearty breakfast and worship but decided to worship later in the day so we could get our work done in the woods before it got too hot.  Everyone pitched in at full speed and we were able to clear a good section.  Pastor John is a master with his tools and he had all of us using the equipment properly.  Susan Paules, a good friend of John and Yolanda, joined us for the weekend as she is their "forest warden."  She is a master with the chain saw.  Even Pastor Bonnie recalled her old skills of the days when she was a logger and worked with the saw!  It is amazing what one does when called to parish ministry!
Quitting Time!

After a wonderful lunch Pastor John led us in worship.  Weary from the work, we headed to our beds for rest. Liam and Susan from Normandy Park UCC left to go home.  We were sad to see them go as we have made lasting friendships.  

The boys chilled out in their cabin, Daryl took a walk and journaled, and I took a much needed shower and relaxed.  We arrived refreshed for dinner around 5:00.  Yolanda had prepared salmon, stir-fry rice, salad and bread for us.  Some friends, Jackie and Gary joined us.  Afterwards we met in the quilting studio for a bluegrass jam session. Okay, so we did a lot more than bluegrass!

It was amazing.  Dom is a wiz on the guitar, Daryl gave life to the keyboard, John played guitar, Yolanda made the harmonica sing, Gary stroked the guitar and mandolin, Jackie crooned with the bass, and Isaac, Jacob and I added whatever we could.  Susan sang a bit too before she left for home.  It was a surreal experience to bring people together who had never met before and make a joyful noise amid the grandeur of the mountains.  I must say, this was sweeter than dessert! (and you all know how much I LOVE dessert!)
Yolanda playing the harmonica

Daryl's flute is the perfect instrument for the woods!

Dom - a wiz on the guitar!

The view from Yolanda's quilting room.

What a marvelous life this is!  I am so blessed I just can't express it enough.  The Randletts, the young people and Daryl continue to enrich my days. As part of our worship, we all had an opportunity to share ways we care for the earth and things for which we are thankful. Our youth are wise beyond their years.  Dom reminded us that if we buy "organic" we can change the way we are damaging the earth.  "It's all a matter of supply and demand" he said. Liam was grateful too. "I am thankful for being able to come here and be with everyone."  (he was sad he had to go home)   Folks, I am telling you, the youth are not the church of the future- they are the church NOW! (Actually this has always been my point of view - even when I was a youth!)

Tomorrow is a day of learning and rest from the woods.  Stay tuned, pray for us, and hopefully we will get to see the meteor shower tonight! Journey of delight, Pastor Bonnie

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