Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Leaving for Bali - an Unsettled Delight!

It is a beautiful day as we leave for the airport in San Francisco. It's chilly here in the beautiful Sierrra mountains and I guess we shall love it for where it are going promises to be hot and humid.

You might be wondering about the title of my post. It has a dual meaning. The program in which I am participating is called Unsetteld.com. I call it a Delight for I think it is going to be exactly what I was hoping to find in my sabbatical journey. In addition to being refreshed physically, I wanted to have my mind challenged, my spirit embraced and new experiences to help me open to the many ways God is speaking to me and the parish I serve.

So off to Bali we go! It is a spiritual place with so many temples that it is called the "land of the gods." I long to pray and meditate, to find new balance.

Being a pastor is work and a calling I love. The last five years have been an incredible blessing and I thank God for the way the parish and I have grown. But I am ready to be renewed, open to possibilities that will help me live with deeper gratitude and compassion.

Today my prayer was that I would be aware of the love of God in every moment, every encounter and  so far it is just that.

We had lunch at the Yucca restaurant in Standford Shoppng Center. Then a short nap as we prepare to board at 1:15a.m. It will be on to Hong Kong, then to Singapore, then to Bali! Phew! I think I'll need to sleep when I get there!

Already I have met people in the service industry who are kind and accomodating. What a great way to start our journey!

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