Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 3- March 1, 2013.  It's hard to believe that we are already on Day 3 of our journey westward.  The morning began with a delightful breakfast at the Egg Harbor Cafe in Lake Forest with Ruth and Mark. (I might add that Ruth brought us coffee to our bedroom first thing this morning! What a gift that was!)   It was an amazing time as we shared dreams of ministry ahead and joys of the past.  Ruth bought me a beautiful mug from the cafe.  I love it and will think of her every time I have my coffee. Mark is a seminary professor so it was fun to discuss the many aspects of Ministry.  As we prepared to leave, he gathered us around in a circle and prayed for us amid the swirling snow.   It was hard to say goodbye after such a marvelous time! 

Iowa was fairly uneventful and we took turns driving. I played Candy Crush and crocheted most of the time (when I wasn't behind the wheel that is). Daryl was my tour guide and told me all about Dixon's history- the home of former president Ronald Reagan. Recently Dixon has been in the news because a comptroller embezzled about 50 million dollars.  I still cannot believe there were no checks and balances over this 23 year period in which she was employed to catch this!  

We drove through light snow showers but no problems.  The wind was wicked and I had to pull out my funky hat.  However, we loved watching the massive windmills at work along route 80. I'm glad the wind was great for something today!

The other exciting thing we saw were the sculptures at Council Bluffs. There are four of them right at the edges of the highway.  There is a lot of controversy about them as some folks do not see the beauty in them.  The artist, Albert Paley named them Odyssey.  Paley  used four different kinds of material for the construction.  They are to represent the dialogue between the land and air and sky and light, and the materials he used are tominimize future maintenance expenses. (information paraphrased from the Public Art and Practice article on the web) I rather liked them.

Of course, the journey is made most interesting by the people you meet.  Tonight after dinner I needed to stop at a drugstore to get some writing paper.  As I was in the check out line, the young male cashier asked me how I was. "Just great," I said.  "Where are you from?" he asked me.  "Pennsylvania," I replied.  "You sound like it." he said.  Not isn't that funny given I actually do not sound like a Pennsylvanian at all? Oh well, he was so kind and then he reached out his hand and said, "My name is Ramone, Ramone with an "e" and let me be the first to give you a warm welcome to Nebraska!"  "Why thank you," I replied.  "Do you know you are the first person to introduce yourself to a complete stranger since I have been driving across the country?"  "Well, Nebraska's the place to be," he said "and you are welcome back any time."

We continued to chat as I told him I was moving to California to pastor a congregation there.  He shared that he is working two full time jobs and is a R& B singer/composer trying to make it in the music world.  When I left, he said, "Now Miss Bonnie, you just have a great time, and don't you forget Ramone, Ramone with an "e."  "I won't" I said as I left the store smiling from ear to ear. As I relayed this marvelous experience to Daryl he said to me, "Don't you remember when you went into Walgreen's in Lima Ohio four weeks ago you had a similar experience?  The young cashier was so kind to you?"  "That's right," I answered.  It seems as if God is just sending angelic folks my way!

It's marvelous isn't it, what a little kindness will do.  We have blessing upon blessing every step of the way.  We are grateful for safety on the highway, for texts and emails from friends, warmth in our marvelous Scion XB and the magnificent beauty of the land as we drive through various states.  (the color is called 'hot lava' so I named her Hot Lava Mama!)

Daryl and I wake up each morning and we have a routine where one of us says, "This is the day God has made," and the other one says, "let us rejoice and be glad in it."  In the evening I often sing a song that was one I sang to the children when they were young. It's a variation on a familiar song.  "Close your eyes, go to sleep, I pray the whole your soul to keep, angels watch you all the night, till you see the morning light.  Close your eyes....."  It's a great way to end the day.  May tonight be peaceful, your dreams sweet and may you wake up with kindness in your hearts.  Joy in the journey, Pastor Bonnie

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