Wednesday, March 6, 2013

finally arrived

The magnificent Sierras!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 - We are here!
      That's right we finally made it across the country and many of you have contacted me and asked, "Where are you?"  "Did you make it?"  Yes, we arrived in Murphys, California around 1:00 p.m. on Monday, March 4.  I wanted to write immediately and let you all know that we are safe and happy but there were so many things to do, so many people to see, I just didn't get to it.  So let me catch you up!

We spent Sunday night just south of Reno, Nevada and had spectacular views all the way from there to Murhpys.  Since we were south of Reno we took Route 88 across the mountains.  Over and again we were enthralled with the magnificent beauty of the mountains.  We went through snow covered trees and into lush greens hills.  The trip was true joy.  The best part was sharing it with Daryl.  We are great travelers together and we loved the adventure.  The photo to the right is the creek near our new home.  We are staying in a little "cabina" in Sonora.  This place of refugee and exquisite surroundings are becoming home to us already.  I have decided to name the cabina, La Casa de Canta, which means house of song.  This is appropriate as it the place where Daryl will write music, (he has already started composing one), I will write sermons, letters and journal entries (probably blogs too!)  and together we will sing praise to our God.  Songs of joy arise naturally in this tranquil setting,  It is just what we need after a long cross country trip!

Already the daffodils are blooming and the birds are singing.  We share the land with a wolf, some chickens, and a happy dog named Simon.  (the wolf and chickens are not in the same pen!)  I am in my glory with all this nature around me.

Daryl on the deck

Daryl is standing on the deck of La Casa de Canta.  For those of you who know him well, you can already imagine that this piece of heaven feeds his creative soul!  Sadly he has to go back east for a bit to finish his responsibilities there!

In addition to the beauty of the earth, we have been the recipients of generous and loving hospitality by both the people of the congregation, the local clergy and the community.

Already I met with two other local pastors as we made plans for joint worship services for Holy Week.  Chad and Doug were willing to change their plans a bit for our meeting so we could attend the "Bell Ringing for Peace" that is held once a month at First Congregational Church in Murphys.  The lower left photo shows the three of us taking our turns ringing the bell.                      

Joe Jackson, the moderator at Murphys, had my office all painted and the sign board ready to go.  It was an emotional time for me as he took me outside and let me put the sign up bearing my name as the pastor. It has been a long journey to get here and now I am blessed to serve this parish.  The blessings did not only begin here though.  As St. Peter's folks sent me off with a grand celebration and many tears, I knew I was cherished.  They are a wonderful flock, one I was proud to serve.  They enriched my life and taught me so many things.  In reality, they prepared me for this adventure.  Their love and support of me enabled me to have courage to go forward as I followed God's nudgings to a new place of ministry.

I am already finding my place in the town.  For those of you who know me well, you know how I like to meet people. Daryl and I were have lunch in the Aria cafe and of course I struck up a conversation with some folks at the table next to us.  "Are you from around here?" I asked.  "No," they said, "we went skiing."  Somehow I told them I was the new pastor at the UCC church and the man told us he is the organist at a Catholic church.  After quite a long discussion with Daryl, we exchanged emails and shook hands as friends when we left.  Dwight promised to stay in touch and he and Daryl might get their heads together for some concerts.

Tonight the Lenten supper and service where we discussed "Jesus as Healer" and the Taize service afterwards were just what I needed to round out the settling in here.  Hearing people's stories of healing, chewing on thoughts of Jesus and those he healed, singing quietly amid the candlelit sanctuary allowing the piano, cello and clarinet to whisk us to a holy place as the rhythms of the prayers echoed a quiet hum - these all nourished my soul and a great calm entered my being.

I am home now - this new place where God has led me to serve.  Yes, it was hard to leave.  Yes, I miss my friends, family and parish.  But yes, I know surely that the blessings will continue and God will guide us every step of the way!  Joy in the Journey, Pastor Bonnie
Pastor Doug, Pastor Bonnie & Pastor Chad

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