Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It's been a little over three weeks since I arrived in Murphys California and it's probably an understatement to say that life has changed!  First of all, the climate is suiting me to a "T."  I like the warm days and the cools nights.  I love my drive across Lake Malones amid the rolling hills.

My little cabina, La Casa de Canto, continues to delight me.  At the left is the beginning bloom of the wisteria next to my front door.  All this time it has looked like a dead branch and Patty kept reassuring me that it would soon bloom.  I did not expect it to look like this.  I thought it would get green leaves first and then beautiful flowers but instead the flowers come first.

Deep beneath my deck, the work of the soil, the water, and the sun from above have all been joining together to create this lovely plant. I couldn't actually see it happening but I knew it was there.

This reminds me of something I read yesterday in Bruce and Kate Epperly's book, Tending to the Holy, the Practice of the Presence of God in Ministry.  "...in order for our theological beliefs to be life transforming, they need to be embodied and experienced in companionship through the ordinary and repeated rituals of everyday life." (pg. 72)  I am fortunate to have a daily prayer and meditation time and space at the cabina in the morning hours.  These rituals are life giving and tending to the soil of my spirit - unseen but hopefully producing good fruit.  I also have a wonderful altar in my office at church and each day when I enter, no matter the time, I go there and pray, asking for God to help me be aware of the Holy Voice within and without.

The other practice is one of hospitality that is opening me to God's gifts in our little town.  Each week I try to meet five to ten new people as I walk the streets of the village.  This too is an amazing ritual that lets me see God everywhere!  Now if I can just remember everyone's name!

So join me on the journey - come pray with me in my office, over the phone, via email or even in the comment section of this blog! Join me in the walks downtown if you're a local!   I'd love to have you as a partner in these life-giving rituals! Joy in the journey!

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