Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jonah 3 & 4 - Expectations Can Lead to Trouble

Recently I attended an event where the speaker disappointed me. I had heard great things about him, how he was such a wonderful person and a great leader and so I came to the meeting all ready to get fired up about life and its challenges. I was ready for this person to inspire me as a person and as a pastor. That is not what I got. This individual was neither fiery nor motivating to me. The issues he addressed in his speaking were not at all what I expected. I even expressed my dismay to others about this.

The trouble though, was not with him, it was with me. When you read Jonah, you will see that Jonah had a plan that did not include God's expectations. It was all about Jonah and what he wanted. If you can, especially read these passages in the Message translation. They make it pretty clear that Jonah was ticked at God and God had to set Jonah straight.

God too is setting me straight. The speaker I went to hear is gentle, kind, and faithful to what is being asked of him. He did not have to meet MY expectations - he just needs to be God's messenger. It was my expectations that got me into trouble. If I had listened with an open mind, perhaps I would have been able to hear the good news he shared.

Sometimes it is this way in our families and in our church. We expect that people will behave a certain way and when they don't, we are troubled and sometimes mean about it. Instead of accepting people and situations for what they are, we pile on what we want. Most of the time our loved ones don't even know that we have these expectations. When we don't get what we want, we lash out at them and are often hurtful.

Jonah was mad because God's grace outdid God's anger. Isn't it wonderful when grace triumphs over evil, over anger, over retaliation? Oh how I wish I were more like that - where my expectations are lined up with God's? Perhaps then I wouldn't get into so much trouble!

Reflections and journaling
Blessing - how is God surprising you when you have expectations? When does grace supersede anger or retaliation?

Challenge - What are the areas in your life where your expectations of others are selfish and/or unreasonable? How might you behave differently this Thanksgiving time when things don't go as you expected?

Gracious God, we are so glad that your grace and love is not dependent on our expectations. We are sometimes self righteous in claiming what WE want and forget to turn to you for guidance. This week help us to be gentle with our families and friends, let us be open about our expectations and give them over to you when they are hurtful. Birth in us an ability to see all people as you do - children of grace. In the name of Jesus who gave people more than they expected, Amen.

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