Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Lamp - Week 2 - Day 1

Psalm 119:97-112 Lately we have been having discussions about the Bible. First in Sunday forum and then in Confirmation class. We have studied the history of the Bible and heard scholars speak about the hosts of new discoveries and probably errors in some of the translations we have.

We could get bogged down in all this, especially when the Bible is used as a weapon to defend a selfish interest, but this great book is filled with stories, poetry, advice, parables, predictions and much more that lead us to the Almighty God. Some say that it is an ancient book that has little relevance to us today.

However, I like the way the Psalmist states it, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. The lamp shines most brightly when I live it in context of my fellow Christians at St. Peter's. Week after week we come together to delve into the scriptures to seek how God wants us to live. It is part of our covenant with God and each other. When we discern together what the scriptures say to us, then it is light to ourselves and others.

I invite you to be part of a small group so you can delve into this Holy Book together. There is much wisdom to be learned from the Bible and reading it in context of the larger faith community. As many of you know, I keep telling you that it is time to stop drinking milk and started eating meat with regards to studying the Bible. It is time to move beyond knowing the stories you heard in Sunday School and grow into a deeper relationship with God that gets you to wrestle with the texts and discover the wisdom hidden there.

As always, I am available for discussion and prayer time. So go ahead, open the Bible and be amazed!

Reflections and Journaling
Blessing: What does this passage tell you about the Bible? When did you first come to appreciate reading the Bible? Tell of a time when the scriptures carried you through tough times.

Challenge: What is keeping you from reading the Bible daily? How do the scriptures challenge your life? State what you believe about the way the Bible guides you.

Prayer: Loving God, open your words to me so that I may understand them and give hope to others. Stir me to spend more time readying the Bible so I will gain wisdom for life's tough questions. protect me from ever using your Holy Word as a weapon to punish or demean others. Show me your light and love in these scriptures. In the name of Jesus who explained the law and moved beyond it. Amen

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