Wednesday, November 3, 2010

the smile of God, evangelism

Matthew 5:13-16 Day 2
This past summer when I traveled to Germany I attended a mass at St. Klara in Nuremberg. The priest was one of the most hospitable people I have ever met. Once I heard his homily, I understood why he lives his life this way. He said, “We are the hands and the feet of Jesus. We are the smile of God to one another.”

What a wonderful way to live – knowing that our love for God can make a difference in someone’s life. Just yesterday while I sat at a red light I looked at the car next to me. I often do this and pray for the person in that vehicle. When I looked over, I noticed the driver had a big smile on his face. He was alone in the car but he was smiling and it made me smile. For the next two hours I smiled at everyone I met. You should have seen the things that happened. Some folks looked twice to see if they knew me, some looked over their shoulders to see if I was looking at something else. Some smiled back, most looked puzzled and some even said hello.

Our world is filled with anger, vengeance, gossip, and complaining. What a difference a smile can make in times like these. The love of God can shine through in something as tiny as a smile. I invite you to smile today – to everyone you meet. See what miracles will take place! “We are the smile of God to one another.”

How I am the “smile of God” to others? What does it feel like when folks smile at me? What changes can happen when we smile instead of frown?

Today, try smiling at everyone you meet. Think of yourself as a conduit for God’s love. Pray for the person as you look in their eyes.

Smiling God, stir us up and cause us to bring more joy in our world. Let us be the channel for your love to others. Make us fearless as we share your grace to those who are hurting. In the name of Jesus who went home with strangers, Amen

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